Contact/Info About Me!

About GirlsOnTheRocks AKA Chelsea Kendrick AKA Crushcakes AKA your friendly Ladies Night Co-ordenator:

~I have been running the Ladies Night Program off and on for several years and am proud to say that since picking up this project I have seen the program grow and flourish in so many ways. The numbers of female climbers are growing, meanwhile these climbers are getting stronger and climbing harder. The community of women has grown deeper and more fulfilling. Our friendships grow as our abilities strengthen. I am so impressed by the amazing women in our climbing community. In many other areas that I have climbed I have felt competitive and unwelcoming vibes from other female climbers. I don't feel that way here in Asheville, and my hope is that this program can help this be the case for all of the women in our climbing community. Maybe we can even set an example for female climbers everywhere. After all, we all have the same dreams, to climb hard, and have fun. Being exclusive and rude doesn't help with either of these goals. So help spread the climbing love, and invite your girlfriends to join us!

My Goals:
  • Create a space that is supportive, welcoming, encouraging to all women, no matter their climbing experience or skill level in an environment that is NOT intimidating or competitive. 
  • Empower women through developing their climbing skills, abilities, community, and confidence
  • Foster a strong and integrated community of female climbers
  • Be an accessible resource to all members of the female climbing community
  • Create a FUN environment for climbing

Chelsea Kendrick:
Facebook Group: Women's Climb Night